I had the opportunity to shoot the Labels Lie campaign for People of the Second Chance. It was probably the biggest shoot I have been apart of. The style is so very different than anything I have done in the past.
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Labels Lie – People of the Second Chance
November 29, 2011New York 2011
September 12, 2011
Back in March I took a trip to NYC. One of the problems of having only primes is that you have to swap out lenses a lot. This time I decided to only shoot with a lense I picked up for $135, an older Sigma 28mm F1.8 AF.
Vu & Sophia – Engaged
June 29, 2011
A few months back I had the chance to shoot a good friend and his fiance. Since they both are from the L.A. area I thought it would be a great opportunity to meet up and collaborate with the legendary Jessica Drossin.
Eden – Senior Portrait
February 22, 2011
There are several things I’ve always said I would never do. One of those things is to take a female portrait on train tracks. Well I didn’t stick too that plan. A friend had ask me to take her picture for her Senior Portrait (which is a first for me). So I thought to myself, “Challenge Accepted!”.
Family Christmas 2010
December 7, 2010This year I decided to do something different for our family portrait. I thought it would be interesting to attempt to do a holiday scene. Several weeks ago while my brother was on vacation I decide to let myself in to use his nice kitchen and of course I came armed with lights.
Altarmotive – Afterglow
December 2, 2010Couple weeks back I made a trip down to El Paso Texas to shoot the band Altarmotive. Armed with only battery power flashes I set out and spent the whole day with them at different locations. The plan was try to get as many different type of shots as we could. The day flew by. In the end, the last shot of the day was the one choosen to be used on the cover.
November 24, 2010This isn’t a review but an introduction to a program I recently stumbled upon called LR/Enfuse. LR/Enfuse is a Lightroom plugin that allows you to blend multiple exposures together directly from within Lightroom.
Natural Backlight
November 19, 2010While in El Paso shooting a band I had the opportunity to go to some new locations. One of them was this really cool loft that had a huge window. Trying to come up with new ideas I decided I would try to use the window as a huge backlight.
San Francisco – 2010
October 31, 2010Back in July, the wife and I took a short trip up to San Francisco. We were there for about two days and the weather was overcasted (just how I like it). Lenses used were 35mm f2, 85mm f1.8 and a 14mm F2.8. These are a few of the images taken on that trip.
Dual Sunpak 120J’s Desktop Wallpaper
October 28, 2010Recently I aquired a second Sunpak 120J. Some of you might be asking yourself, “what is this retro looking thingamabob?!”. The 120J is a parabolic flash that is a discontinued flash made by Sunpak. There are several advantages of this flash compared to your normal speedlight.