Archive for the ‘Projects’ Category

I had the great opportunity to be one of four photographers who participated in a [Framed] episode featuring the wonderful Photographer Brooke Shaden. It was definitely out of my comfort zone and a challenge but I left leaving inspired and very glad I did it. This post will walk thru how I achieved the image and showcase the images from the other photographers.

Avengers – Toys in action!

January 25, 2012

Iron Man

I was approached to shoot some Hasbro Avenger figures for the new movie coming out. It was a challenge to say the least. I know how to light a person, but how does that same light modifier light a 3 3/4″ action figure.


January 10, 2012


I was commisioned to do a concept image for Fox Studio’s upcoming feature “Chronicle“. I was givin two week during Christmas to concept, scout, plan and execute…challenge accepted!